
Girl Opinion - Let's Get Acquainted

Let's Get Acquainted domain was born 12 years ago -- January 2, 2008 to be exact.  It came out from my experiences and diverse interests in entertainment, politics, travel and more. It is actually anything under the sun where I'd express my views on a certain subject. However, due to several redirection of goals (12 yrs ago i was living young & free), this domain has been in hiatus for nearly a decade and surprisingly, it takes  me 4 weeks (& counting) of community quarantine period to finally found myself blogging again.  I am so glad to be able to retrieve this domain name (after an exciting struggle with the past) and I can't wait to make new memories, publish new posts and share my views & opinions about life in general. Thank you so much for being part of this community. There are plenty of ways that you can become more involved.  I will be adding my social media profiles soon. :)